• Yasmeen Lari, the head of the Heritage Foundation of Pakistan and a truly amazing woman that I have interned and worked on projects with through high school, was the subject of a recent piece in the Financial Times (FT).  Her architecture is reviewed, with a major portion looking at [...]

  • Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to sit-in on a meeting between South Bronx Unite, a group that aims to improve the future of the Mott Haven and Port Morris area, and Manhattan Community Board 8 on a study the group conducted on air pollution across the city, [...]

  • After legal battles with an environmental group AT&T has agreed to remove lead-covered cables from Lake Tahoe in the Sierra Nevada.  Lead-covered underwater cables are a cause of environmental problems as they degrade over time, contaminating the nearby environments with lead. As reported by CBS: https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/lake-tahoe-toxic-lead-cable-att-lawsuit-settlement/ As reported by [...]

  • Here is my account of the experience working with the team on the Khairpur project and what I learned from it: This spring on my trip to Karachi I planned to meet the Developments in Literacy (DIL) team in Khairpur to pass on the sustainable building practices that I [...]

  • These are some prompts that I designed to jog thinking or to ask and talk to other people about, with the goal of helping one become more self-conscious about how one thinks about and interacts with the environment.  We consistently experience and enjoy nature without properly appreciating its benefits. [...]

  • Friends Shelter is an organization that provides a homeless shelter every night in one of the gyms at my school in New York City; this winter, I tried to help them provide an eco-friendly opportunity to their guests . Plastic bags, the main type of bag used by the [...]

  • Take a minute and appreciate some of the beauty of the natural world around us, the world we are hoping to protect, with a compilation of some of the best mangrove pictures from this year by the Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/gallery/2024/jul/26/roots-and-refuge-the-years-best-mangrove-images-in-pictures