Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to sit-in on a meeting between South Bronx Unite, a group that aims to improve the future of the Mott Haven and Port Morris area, and Manhattan Community Board 8 on a study the group conducted on air pollution across the city, [...]
These are some prompts that I designed to jog thinking or to ask and talk to other people about, with the goal of helping one become more self-conscious about how one thinks about and interacts with the environment. We consistently experience and enjoy nature without properly appreciating its benefits. [...]
Friends Shelter is an organization that provides a homeless shelter every night in one of the gyms at my school in New York City; this winter, I tried to help them provide an eco-friendly opportunity to their guests . Plastic bags, the main type of bag used by the [...]
On my trip to Pakistan this summer, I had the amazing opportunity to go and survey the sustainable village project that I had raised funds for in 2022 after deadly floods dislocated 33 million people in Pakistan.
On my trip to Pakistan this summer, I had the amazing opportunity to go and survey the sustainable village project that I had raised funds for in 2022 after deadly floods dislocated 33 million people in Pakistan.